terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2024

Creative Commons

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world's most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all.

Creative Commons é uma organização internacional sem fins lucrativos que capacita as pessoas a crescer e sustentar os prósperos bens comuns de conhecimento e cultura compartilhados que precisamos para enfrentar os desafios mais urgentes do mundo e criar um futuro melhor para todos.

Inglês Português BR
NonprofitSem fins lucrativos



Gospel Life

terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2023

7 Signs Your EX Wants You Back

7 Signs Your EX Wants You Back

Have you ever broken off things with your partiner only to find out that they wanted to get back together with you all along?
Você já terminou com seu parceiro apenas para descobrir que ele queria voltar com você o tempo todo?

Maybe this is good news and you wanted to repair things with your ex and get back together too.
If you had known they felt the same way, you could have talked through your problems earlier and stayed together.
Or, maybe you didn't want to get back together.
If you had noticed the hints they were dropping about their lingering feelings for you, you could have made it clear to them that things wouldn't be able to work out again.
Whichever the case may be, here's seven proven signs your ex wants you back.

One, you receive drunk calls and/or texts from them.
You're resting cozy in you bed, settle down after a long and busy day, when suddently you phone lights up.
You reach out to find a new text from your ex.
Turns out their 3:00 am text may be more than just a drunk stupor.
Their drunk text show they're they're tinking of you, and being under the influence junst gives them more courage toexpress what they're feeling.
According to a 2011 study, the most common reason people make drunken phone calls is to confess their feelings, especialy those of love.
Your ex's true feelings in those drunken calls could be true and their drinking gave them the liquid courage to tell you, confident enough to confess their unconditional love for you through a slurred speech and hiccup at 3:00 am.

Two, theu mirror you and show open body language.
Oftentimes when you mimic another's behavior and gestures, it means you like them.
This mmicry of others is called the chamelen effect, and this can be a more subconscious way to show someone that you favor them.
People like people like themselves.
If your ex is still showing very open body language, holding eye contact and mimicking you behaviors as well, it could be a sign they subsconsciously still have feelings for you.

Three, they often bring up fondly shared memories.
Let's say youmeet up with your ex or run into them at a bar, what do you two find yourself talking about?
If your ex continously bringsup fondly shared memories, it could be a hint that they not only miss those moments spent with you, but in turn, they miss you as well.
By highlinghting the good times you spent together, they are trying to get you to remember what made you relationship work and what was great about the both of you.
Perhaps it's a way for them to try and win you back.

Four, they maintain a friendship after your breakup.
Yeas, some couples can still be friends agter a breakup, but if you find yourself talking to them more than your other firends, maybe your're than firends, or at least heading there.
Your ex may be trying to reconnect with you as a friend first, before trying to get back together.
If you work as friends and were once attached to each other, what's to stop you from getting together in the future.

Five, they ask others about you.
If you hear from your family and friends, that your ex has been asking about you, there may be a good reason.
Odds are your ex is trying to find out your relationship status or more likely they're to gauge if you still miss them or not.
If your friends and family tell them that you do miss them, don't be suprised if they come knocking on your door in hopes of a reconciliantion.

Six, liking and commenting more on your social media.
Did you and your ex decide to be friends after a breakup?
Perhaps you still comment and like each other's posts on social media.
If you find your ex is commenting more than they did when you were together, it may mean they're throwing some hints at you.
If they're complimenting your social media posts, it may mean they want to be more than just friends.

Seven, tey're taking action to change and they let you know.
Is your ex suddenly taking action after you breakup?
They're making some noticeable changes in their life that draw you in and going out of their way to let you know they're changed.
They post on social media bout their personal growth or text you as just a friend that they've improved on their bad habits that once dorve a wedge in your relationship.
I they're changin and they want you to know first and foremost, it may be a sign they're doing it for you.
So, have ou noticed any of these signs in your ex?
Or, perhaps you've noticed some of these signs in yourseilf?
Let us know in the comments below.

Please like and share this video if it helped you and you think it can help someone elese too.
This studies and references used are listed in the description below.

Don't forget to hit the sobscribe button for more Psych2Vo videos. Thank you for watching.
We'll see you est time.

Inglês Português BR
Have you ever broken off things... Você já rompeu coisas...
WithinDentro de
Ever-spinningSempre girando
Spinning wheelRoda giratória

quarta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2023

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy updates

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy updates

Termos de uso e atualizações da política de privacidade

Objetivo: Treinar Inglês com Textos

What changed in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy?

O que mudou nos Termos de Uso e na Política de Privacidade?

You should read our updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, but below is a quick overview of some key change. These changes will go int effect on December 14 2023.
Você deve ler nossos Termos de Uso e Política de Privacidade atualizados, mas abaixo está uma rápida visão geral de algumas alterações importantes. Essas alterações entrarão em vigor em 14 de dezembro de 2023.

Terms of Use
Termos de Uso

  • Separate business terms. We've removed the sections of the Terms of Use that relate to the use of our services for businesses and developers, namely ChatGPT Enterprise and our APIs. We have created a new set of Business Terms that apply to those services.

  • Updated arbitration procedures. We've updated some of the procedures by which we will resolve any arbitrated disputes.

  • Improved readability. We've re-organized and clarified some parts of our Terms of Use (yes, with a little help from ChatGPT) to make them simpler and easier to understand.
    Termos comerciais separados Removemos as seções dos Termos de Uso relacionadas ao uso de nossos serviços para empresas e desenvolvedores, nomeadamente ChatGPT Enterprise e nossas APIs. Criamos um novo conjunto de Termos Comerciais que se aplicam a esses serviços.

    Inglês Português BR
    Quick overviewVisão geral rápida

    Fonte: Openai.com

    Gospel Life

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  • terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2023



    Objetivo: Treinar Inglês com Textos


    Today I'm here to take a walk here at my physical activity place and I invite you to participate in this walk of this activity and together we are going to talk about lotteries specificallly about Lotofácil.
    Hoje estou aqui para dar um passeio aqui no meu local de atividade física e convido você a participar desse passeio dessa atividade e juntos vamos falar sobre loterias especificamente sobre a Lotofácil.

    Come with me.
    Venha comigo.

    I'm Rômulo Dias and you are very welcome to the Intelligent Technical Lottery
    Meu nome é Rômulo Dias e seja muito bem-vindo à Loteria Técnica Inteligente.

    In this video we are going to talk about 14 points three time a week on Lotofácil.
    Neste vídeo vamos falar sobre 14 pontos três vezes por semana na Lotofácil.

    There are people with advertisements on social media stating that it is possible to earn 14 points three times a week on Lotofácil and we are going to resolve this doubt.
    Tem pessoas com anúncios nas redes sociais afirmando que é possível fazer 14 pontos três vezes por semana na Lotofácil e nós vamos tirar essa dúvida.

    If you are interested in having correct and accurate information on this subject, I invite you to watch this video with me until the end, but before that, don't forget to leave your like, subscribe to the channel if you are not yet subscribed, activate the bel for notifications and share this video with your friends.
    Se você tem interesse em ter informações corretas e precisas sobre esse assunto, te convido a assistir esse vídeo comigo até o final, mas antes não esqueça de deixar seu like, se inscrever no canal caso ainda não seja inscrito, ative o sininho para receber notificações e compartilhe esse vídeo com seus amigos.

    Come on?
    Vamos lá?

    We've always seen those topics on social media those miraculous advertisements where people who claim to be able to score 14 points three times a week with just three games and other types of advertisement with miraculous strategy that there is no other like his will solve the problem.

    Sempre vimos esses assuntos nas redes sociais aquelas propagandas milagrosas onde pessoas que afirmam conseguir marcar 14 pontos três vezes por semana com apenas três jogos e outros tipos de propaganda com estratégia milagrosa que não existe outra igual a dele vão resolver o problema.

    Inglês Português BR
    Take a walkDar um passeio
    take a walk on the wild sideDar um passeio pelo lado selvagem
    Take a walk on the beachDar um passeio na praia

    Gospel Life

    Colabore para manter nosso trabalho

    Somente se você puder e quiser

    segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2023

    Monetização, suicídio e autolesão no FaceBook

    Monetização, suicídio e autolesão no FaceBook

    Objetivo: Treinar Inglês com Textos

    The Board found that neither post violates Facebook's Suicide and Self-Injury Community Standard or Meta's Content Monetization policies.
    O Conselho descobriu que nenhuma das postagens viola o Padrão da Comunidade de Suicídio e Autolesão do Facebook ou as políticas de Monetização de Conteúdo da Meta.

    Inglês Português BR
    BoardConselho, Diretoria, Quadro
    FindEncontrar, descobrir
    FoundEncontrou, descobriu
    NeitherNenhum, nenhuma
    PostPostagem, publicação

    Policy é um falso cognato. À primeira vista parecer ser polícia, mas na verdade é política. Polícia é police

    Gospel Life

    Colabore para manter nosso trabalho

    Somente se você puder e quiser

    sábado, 21 de outubro de 2023



    Objetivo: Treinar Inglês com Textos

    Let us play for you - try a Subscription!

    Deixe-nos jogar para você - experimente uma assinatura!

    Your favourite numbers and games - Automatically entered for you.
    Seus números e jogos favoritos - inseridos automaticamente para você.

    Learn about Subscription here - Saiba mais sobre assinatura aqui

    Winning ticket locations are shown in the prize breakdown chart, which can be accessed by clicking the "View Prize Breakdown" button next to the draw you are interested in.
  • In order to ensure the accuracy of LOTTO MAX draw results across all regions in Canada, there may be a delay in reporting winning numbers.
    Inglês Português BR
    EnterDigitar, inserir

    Fonte: Lotto Max & Extra

    Gospel Life

    Colabore para manter nosso trabalho

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  • sábado, 23 de setembro de 2023

    Biden announces additional military aid for Ukraine as he meets with Zelenskiy at the White House

    Biden announces additional military aid for Ukraine as he meets with Zelenskiy at the White House

    Biden anuncia ajuda militar adicional para a Ucrânia ao se reunir com Zelensky na Casa Branca

    The new $325 million appropriation comes as Republican lawmakers in the House of Representatives are increasingly reluctant to approve assistance for Kyiv
    A nova dotação de US$ 325 milhões ocorre em um momento em que os legisladores republicanos na Câmara dos Representantes estão cada vez mais relutantes em aprovar a assistência a Kiev

    The U.S. government increased its military commitment to Ukraine.
    O governo dos EUA aumentou o seu compromisso militar com a Ucrânia.

    On Thursday, at his meeting with the President of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelenskiy, at the White House, U.S. President Joe Biden announced a new shipment of military aid in the amount of $325 million to help the country fight the Russian invasion.
    Na quinta-feira, no seu encontro com o Presidente da Ucrânia, Volodymir Zelenskiy, na Casa Branca, o Presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, anunciou um novo carregamento de ajuda militar no valor de 325 milhões de dólares para ajudar o país a combater a invasão russa.

    “Today, I approved the next tranche of US security assistance to Ukraine, including more artillery, more ammunition, more anti-tank weapons, and next week, the first US Abrams tanks will be delivered to Ukraine,” Biden announced following a private meeting alone with Zelenskiy, prior to the start of a second meeting, this time accompanied by their respective teams of advisors.
    “Today, I approved the next tranche of US security assistance to Ukraine, including more artillery, more ammunition, more anti-tank weapons, and next week, the first US Abrams tanks will be delivered to Ukraine,” Biden announced following a private meeting alone with Zelenskiy, prior to the start of a second meeting, this time accompanied by their respective teams of advisors.

    Inglês Português BR
    LawmakersLegisladoras, legisladores
    IncreasinglyCada vez mais
    Incralingly commonCada vez mais comum
    Increasingly congestedCada vez mais congestionado
    Increasingly complexCada vez mais complexo
    Increasingly concernedCada vez mais preocupado
    Increasingly popularCada vez mais popular
    Increasingly anxiousCada vez mais ansioso
    Military commitmentCompromisso militar
    Commitment issuesProblemas de compromisso
    Commitment letterCarta de compromiso
    ShipmentEnvio, postagem
    FightLutar, combater

    El Pais

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