sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2023

Mozilla's Rise 25 celebration - Celebração do Rise 25 da Mozilla

Mozilla's Rise 25 celebration - Celebração do Rise 25 da Mozilla

Summer has officially arrived and we have some great updates to share while you soak up the sun!
O verão chegou oficialmente e temos algumas ótimas atualizações para compartilhar enquanto você curte o sol!

Do you know someone who’s shaping the future of the internet? Tell us about them! This year marks Mozilla’s 25th anniversary, and we’re raising a toast with Rise 25 – a celebration of 25 individuals who are doing groundbreaking work to make the internet a better place.
Você conhece alguém que está moldando o futuro da internet? Conte-nos sobre essa pessoa! Este ano marca o 25º aniversário da Mozilla, e estamos brindando com o Rise 25 - uma celebração de 25 indivíduos que estão realizando um trabalho inovador para tornar a internet um lugar melhor.

Out with the old, in with the <hue>! Hues are a great way to define colors in CSS. We'll take a look at what hues are and how you can take your first steps using hues in CSS using the hsl() function.
Fora com o antigo, dentro com o <hue>! Os tons são uma ótima maneira de definir cores no CSS. Vamos dar uma olhada no que são os tons e como você pode dar os primeiros passos usando tons no CSS com a função hsl().

We're introducing an AI assistant powered by MDN and OpenAI GPT 3.5 to answer all your web development questions in real-time.
Estamos apresentando um assistente de inteligência artificial alimentado por MDN e OpenAI GPT 3.5 para responder a todas as suas perguntas de desenvolvimento web em tempo real.

Starting July 11, 2023, Pocket users will be prompted to transition to a Firefox account in order to log in and access their Pocket account. In order to provide additional security benefits such as two-factor authentication to our users, all Pocket accounts will be converted to Firefox accounts, an authentication service powered by Mozilla.
A partir de 11 de julho de 2023, os usuários do Pocket serão solicitados a fazer a transição para uma conta Firefox para fazer login e acessar sua conta do Pocket. Para fornecer benefícios de segurança adicionais, como autenticação de dois fatores, a todas as contas do Pocket serão convertidas em contas Firefox, um serviço de autenticação fornecido pela Mozilla.

Summer never looked so good.
O verão nunca pareceu tão bom.

Happy reading!
Boa leitura!

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Jean Lawand Junior Ex Sub Chefe do Estado Maior do Exército na CPMI do dia 08 de Janeiro

Jean Lawand Junior Ex Sub Chefe do Estado Maior do Exército na CPMI do dia 08 de Janeiro

Hey guys from live. All right? We are here today the 27th of June in one more CPMI meeting of the acts of 8 of January.
Olá pessoal da live. Tudo bem? Estamos aqui hoje dia 27 de junho em mais uma reunião da CPMI dos atos de 8 de janeiro.

Today we will be waiting here to receive Jean Lawand Junior ex sub chief of the State Greatest of the army.
Hoje estaremos aqui esperando para receber Jean Lawand Junior ex sub chefe do Estado Maior do exército.

The request of his attendance was because there were cell phone message saying he asked intervention.
O pedido de comparecimento dele foi porque surgiram mensagens celular dizendo que ele pediu intervenção.

Anyway, we will discuss this more calmly and will talk here with the members of the CPMI to find out exactly the call motivation.
Enfim, vamos discutir isso com mais calma e vamos conversar aqui com os integrantes da CPMI para saber exatamente a motivação de chamá-lo aqui.

I'm here checking the presence panel. Every minute arrives someone else.
Estou aqui conferindo o painel de presença. A cada minuto chega mais alguém.

Already has a class here. I will ask for the Leandro of our team, already came here, and let's get to work because the day it started here in the Federal Senate.
Já tem uma turma aqui. Vou pedir pelo Leandro da nossa equipe, já veio aqui, e vamos começar a trabalhar porque o dia começou aqui no Senado Federal.

He reports the location where the CPMI takes place, and says he will not leave the audience without this information.
Relata local onde acontece a CPMI, e diz que não vai deixar a audiência sem essa informação.

I won't leave you like this without this information.
Eu não vou deixar você assim sem essa informação.

Nilo Coelho is the one I stayed with Alexandre Costa from yesterday in his head it

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quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2023



Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical compound that has been widely used in the production of plastics and resins since the 1960s. It is primarily used in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, which are found in numerous consumer products such as water bottles, food containers, toys, dental sealants, and the lining of metal food cans.

BPA is known to mimic the hormone estrogen in the body and is categorized as an endocrine disruptor. It can potentially interfere with the normal hormonal balance and functions in humans and animals. Over the years, there have been concerns about the possible health effects of BPA exposure, particularly in vulnerable populations such as infants and pregnant women.

Research studies on BPA have shown that it can leach out of plastic products, especially when they are heated, damaged, or come into contact with acidic or high-fat foods. The primary route of exposure for humans is through ingestion, although it can also be absorbed through the skin or inhaled to a lesser extent.

The potential health effects of BPA exposure are still a topic of scientific research and debate. Some studies have linked BPA exposure to various health issues, including reproductive problems, developmental disorders, increased risk of certain cancers, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. However, other studies have produced conflicting results or suggest that the levels of BPA exposure in typical consumer products are not high enough to cause significant harm.

To address the concerns surrounding BPA, many countries and regulatory bodies have taken steps to restrict or ban its use in certain products. For example, the European Union has banned the use of BPA in baby bottles, and several other countries have imposed similar restrictions. Additionally, many manufacturers have voluntarily phased out or reduced the use of BPA in their products, opting for alternative chemicals.


O Bisfenol-A (BPA) é um composto químico que tem sido amplamente utilizado na produção de plásticos e resinas desde a década de 1960. Ele é principalmente usado na fabricação de plásticos policarbonatos e resinas epóxi, encontrados em diversos produtos de consumo, como garrafas de água, recipientes de alimentos, brinquedos, selantes dentários e revestimento interno de latas de alimentos.

Sabe-se que o BPA imita o hormônio estrogênio no corpo e é classificado como um desregulador endócrino. Ele pode potencialmente interferir no equilíbrio hormonal normal e em suas funções em seres humanos e animais. Ao longo dos anos, surgiram preocupações sobre os possíveis efeitos da exposição ao BPA, especialmente em populações vulneráveis, como bebês e mulheres grávidas.

Estudos de pesquisa sobre o BPA mostraram que ele pode se desprender de produtos plásticos, especialmente quando aquecidos, danificados ou em contato com alimentos ácidos ou ricos em gordura. A principal forma de exposição para seres humanos é por ingestão, embora também possa ser absorvido pela pele ou inalado em menor medida.

Os efeitos potenciais da exposição ao BPA ainda são objeto de pesquisa científica e debate. Alguns estudos têm relacionado a exposição ao BPA a diversos problemas de saúde, incluindo problemas reprodutivos, distúrbios de desenvolvimento, aumento do risco de certos cânceres, obesidade e doenças cardiovasculares. No entanto, outros estudos têm produzido resultados conflitantes ou sugerem que os níveis de exposição ao BPA em produtos de consumo típicos não são suficientemente altos para causar danos significativos.

Para lidar com as preocupações em torno do BPA, muitos países e órgãos reguladores têm adotado medidas para restringir ou proibir seu uso em certos produtos. Por exemplo, a União Europeia proibiu o uso de BPA em mamadeiras, e vários outros países impuseram restrições semelhantes. Além disso, muitos fabricantes voluntariamente eliminaram ou reduziram o uso de BPA em seus produtos, optando por produtos químicos alternativos.

Principais palavras encontradas no texto
Inglês Português Pronúncia
Bisphenol-A Bisfenol-A bihs-fen-ol ey
BPA BPA bi-pee-ey
chemical químico keh-mi-ku
compound composto kuhm-pownd
plastics plásticos plas-ti-kohs
resins resinas ree-si-nahs
manufacturing fabricação man-yuh-fak-cher-ing
polycarbonate policarbonato pah-lee-kar-buh-neyt
consumer consumidor kun-suh-mur
products produtos prod-uhkts
water bottles garrafas de água waw-ter bot-lz
food containers recipientes de alimentos food kuhn-tay-ners
toys brinquedos toiz
dental sealants selantes dentários den-tuhl see-luhnts
lining revestimento interno lahy-ning
metal food cans latas de alimentos met-l food kanz
mimic imitar mim-ik
hormone hormônio hawr-mohn
estrogen estrogênio es-truh-juh-n
endocrine disruptor desregulador endócrino en-doh-krin dis-ruhp-tor
exposure exposição ek-spo-zher
ingestion ingestão in-jes-chuhn
skin pele skin
inhaled inalado in-heyld
health effects efeitos na saúde helth ih-fekts
reproductive problems problemas reprodutivos ree-pruh-duhk-tiv prob-luhms
developmental disorders distúrbios de desenvolvimento dee-vuh-lopmen-tl dis-or-durz
cancers cânceres kan-sers
obesity obesidade oh-buh-si-tee
cardiovascular diseases doenças cardiovasculares kahr-dee-oh-vask-yuh-ler dih-zeez-iz
restrict restringir rih-strikt
ban proibir ban
baby bottles mamadeiras bay-bee bot-lz
restrictions restrições rih-strik-shuns
manufacturers fabricantes man-yuh-fak-chur-ers
alternative chemicals produtos químicos alternativos awl-tur-nuh-tiv keh-mi-kuhlz
knowledge conhecimento nol-ij
scientific research pesquisa científica sai-uhn-tih-fik ree-surch
debate debate di-beyt
emerged surgido ih-murjd
reliable confiáveis rih-lahy-uh-buhl
regulatory agencies agências reguladoras reh-gyuh-luh-tor-ee uh-juhn-seez
current atual kur-uhnt
topic tópico taw-pik
repeated repetições rih-pee-ti-shuns

Gospel Life

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Twitter Developers - Announcements - Issue with applications in Application Received state resolved

Twitter Developers
Issue with applications in Application Received state resolved

We received reports from some developers that were waiting in the Application Received state, and were unable to move past this point in the developer portal.
Recebemos relatórios de alguns desenvolvedores que estavam aguardando no estado Aplicativo recebido e não conseguiram passar desse ponto no portal do desenvolvedor.

This issue is now resolved and developers that used to receive this message, should now be able to sign up for the new tiers of the Twitter AOI.e.Free, Basic or pro.
Este problema foi resolvido e os desenvolvedores que costumavam receber esta mensagem agora devem se inscrever para as novas camadas do Twitter AOI.e.Free, Basic ou pro.

Thank you for your patience and feedback.
Obrigado por sua paciência e feedback.

Gospel Life

terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2023



In the texts below, we will fix the word: Neighbors.

In these contexts we will learn about relationships with neighbors.

Do you think neighbours are important?

Having good relationships with your neighbors can be very beneficial. They can provide a sense of community, and can be there to help you in times of need. For example, they can watch your house while you're away, or lend you a tool that you don't have. Good neighbors can also provide social support and can help you feel more connected to your community.

However, having bad neighbors can also be a source of stress and frustration. Noise, disputes over property boundaries, and other issues can create tension and make living in your own home difficult. Therefore, it's important to maintain a good relationship with your neighbors, or at least keep things civil, in order to create a positive living environment for everyone involved.

What are the qualities of a good neighbours?

There are several qualities that can make a good neighbor. Here are some examples:

  1. Respectful: A good neighbor is respectful of their neighbor's property, privacy, and time. They avoid making excessive noise or engaging in activities that might disturb their neighbors.
  2. Friendly: A good neighbor is friendly and approachable. They are willing to engage in conversation and are interested in getting to know their neighbors.
  3. Trustworthy: A good neighbor is trustworthy and reliable. They can be counted on to keep their word and follow through on commitments.
  4. Helpful: A good neighbor is helpful and willing to lend a hand when needed. They may offer to watch a neighbor's house while they are away or help with yard work or other tasks.
  5. Responsible: A good neighbor takes responsibility for their actions and takes care of their property. They are considerate of their neighbors and work to maintain a clean and safe living environment.
  6. Tolerant: A good neighbor is tolerant and respectful of their neighbor's differences. They recognize that everyone has their own unique lifestyle and beliefs, and they do not judge or discriminate based on those differences.

Overall, a good neighbor is someone who is considerate, helpful, and respectful of others. They are an asset to the community and make the neighborhood a better place to live.

Now that most people watch a lot of TV, how do you think it affected relationships with neighbours?

The widespread adoption of television and other forms of electronic media has certainly had an impact on our social interactions and relationships, including those with our neighbors. On one hand, television and other media can bring people together around shared interests and topics, and can provide a source of conversation and connection. For example, neighbors may bond over a shared love of a particular TV show or sporting event.

On the other hand, excessive TV viewing can also lead to isolation and disconnection, particularly if individuals are spending a lot of time in front of screens and not engaging with others in person. This can lead to a lack of communication and social interaction between neighbors, which can have a negative impact on relationships and community building.

Additionally, some studies have suggested that people who watch a lot of TV may be more likely to experience feelings of loneliness and social isolation. This can further exacerbate the negative effects on neighborly relationships.

Ultimately, the impact of television on relationships with neighbors will depend on a number of factors, including the individual's viewing habits, the social and cultural context in which they live, and the overall quality of the neighborhood and community. It's important to find a balance between enjoying TV and other media, while also maintaining healthy relationships with those around us.

Do you think it's important to teach children how to have a good relations with neighbours?

Yes, teaching children how to have a good relationship with their neighbors is important. This can help children learn important social skills and develop empathy and respect for others. Good relationships with neighbors can also provide children with a sense of community and support, and can help them feel safer and more secure in their neighborhood.

Some ways to teach children how to have good relationships with their neighbors include:

  • Modeling positive behavior: Children learn by watching and imitating the behavior of others. Parents can model positive interactions with their own neighbors, such as greeting them when passing by, helping with tasks, or inviting them over for a meal.
  • Encouraging communication: Encourage children to communicate with their neighbors, such as saying hello or asking how their day is going. This can help children develop their social skills and build positive relationships with those around them.
  • Helping with community events: Encourage children to participate in community events, such as a neighborhood clean-up or a block party. This can help children feel a sense of belonging and pride in their community, and can also provide opportunities to meet and interact with neighbors.
  • Addressing conflicts: Teach children how to resolve conflicts in a respectful and constructive way, such as through communication and compromise. This can help children learn important problem-solving skills and can also help them maintain positive relationships with their neighbors.
  • By teaching children how to have good relationships with their neighbors, parents can help foster a sense of community and social responsibility in their children, which can have positive impacts on their well-being and the well-being of their community as a whole.

    How has the relatonship between neighbours change over the last 20 years?

    The relationship between neighbors has changed in many ways over the last 20 years due to various social and technological factors.

    Here are some examples:

    • Increased use of technology:
      With the rise of social media and other digital platforms, people are spending more time communicating and interacting online rather than in person. This can lead to less face-to-face communication between neighbors and may weaken neighborhood bonds.

    • Changing demographics:
      The demographic makeup of neighborhoods is constantly evolving, with new residents moving in and others moving out. This can lead to changes in social dynamics and relationships between neighbors.

    • Busier lifestyles:
      Many people are leading busier lives than ever before, with more demands on their time from work, family, and other commitments. This can make it difficult to find time to interact with neighbors and may result in a more isolated and individualistic lifestyle.

    • Safety concerns:
      In some areas, safety concerns have increased over the years due to crime and other issues. This can lead to a more guarded and cautious approach to neighborly interactions.

    • Community events and activities:
      In some neighborhoods, community events and activities have become more common in recent years, which can help foster a sense of community and bring neighbors closer together.

    Overall, while the nature of neighborly relationships may have changed in some ways over the last 20 years, it's important to recognize that there are still many opportunities to build strong, positive relationships with those around us. By making an effort to connect with neighbors and participate in community activities, we can help strengthen the social fabric of our neighborhoods and create a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.

    Pergunta 1:
    Você acha que vizinhos são importantes?

    Resposta 1:
    Sim, os vizinhos são importantes. Eles podem fornecer uma sensação de comunidade e conexão, bem como ajudar com tarefas cotidianas, compartilhar informações e oferecer suporte em tempos de necessidade. Vizinhos amigáveis também podem tornar um bairro mais agradável e seguro para todos.

    Pergunta 2:
    Quais são as qualidades de um bom vizinho?

    Resposta 2:
    As qualidades de um bom vizinho incluem ser amigável, respeitoso, confiável e responsável. Um bom vizinho também deve ser cortês e comunicativo, procurando resolver conflitos de forma construtiva e ajudando a criar uma comunidade positiva e acolhedora.

    Pergunta 3:
    Agora que a maioria das pessoas assiste muita TV, como você acha que isso afetou as relações com vizinhos?

    Resposta 3:
    A ampla adoção da televisão e outras formas de mídia eletrônica certamente teve um impacto em nossas interações sociais e relacionamentos, incluindo aqueles com nossos vizinhos. Por um lado, a televisão e outras mídias podem unir as pessoas em torno de interesses e tópicos compartilhados e podem fornecer uma fonte de conversa e conexão. Por outro lado, assistir TV excessivamente pode levar ao isolamento e desconexão, especialmente se as pessoas estão passando muito tempo na frente das telas e não se envolvendo com outras pessoas pessoalmente. Isso pode levar a uma falta de comunicação e interação social entre vizinhos, o que pode ter um impacto negativo nos relacionamentos e na construção da comunidade.

    Pergunta 4:
    Você acha importante ensinar crianças a ter boas relações com vizinhos?

    Resposta 4:
    Sim, ensinar crianças a ter boas relações com seus vizinhos é importante. Isso pode ajudar as crianças a aprender habilidades sociais importantes e desenvolver empatia e respeito pelos outros. Bons relacionamentos com vizinhos também podem fornecer às crianças um senso de comunidade e apoio, e podem ajudá-las a se sentirem mais seguras e protegidas em seu bairro.

    Pergunta 5:
    Como a relação entre vizinhos mudou nos últimos 20 anos?

    Resposta 5:
    A relação entre vizinhos mudou de muitas maneiras ao longo dos últimos 20 anos devido a diversos fatores sociais e tecnológicos. Alguns exemplos incluem o aumento do uso de tecnologia, mudanças demográficas, estilos de vida mais ocupados, preocupações de segurança e a realização de mais eventos e atividades comunitárias em alguns bairros. Apesar dessas mudanças, ainda há muitas oportunidades para construir relacionamentos fortes e positivos com os vizinhos. Ao se esforçar para se conectar com os vizinhos e participar de atividades comunitárias, podemos ajudar a fortalecer o tecido social de nossos bairros e criar um senso de pertencimento e responsabilidade compartilhada.

    Gospel Life

TikTok tells you what you want to see

TikTok tells you what you want to see

TikTok tells you what you want to see - not the other way around.
O TikTok diz o que você quer ver - e não o contrário.

We don't know how it recommends videos to its users, and TikTok hasn't made it easy for us to learn.
Não sabemos como ele recomenda vídeos para seus usuários, e o TikTok não facilitou nosso aprendizado.

That's concerning when we've already seen evidence that video recommendantion algorithms like YouTuber's can send users into echo chambers of dangerous, harmful, and enven radicalizing content.
Isso é preocupante quando já vimos evidências de que algoritmos de recomendação de vídeo como o do YouTuber podem enviar usuários para câmaras de eco de conteúdo perigoso, prejudicial e até mesmo radicalizador.

Mozilla has been scrutinizing TikTok for years, but we still need more answers about the content the platform recommends to uers.
A Mozilla examina o TikTok há anos, mas ainda precisamos de mais respostas sobre o conteúdo que a plataforma recomenda aos usuários.

That's why we are taking matters into our own hands by building as open-source app for TiTok users to volunteer their data for researchers to study.
É por isso que estamos resolvendo o problema com nossas próprias mãos, criando um aplicativo de código aberto para os usuários do TikTok oferecerem seus dados para os pesquisadores estudarem.

Researchers around the world will begin go crack the code on how TikTok's algorithm works thank to huge amounts of donated data from this open source app, and our goal is to raise &100.000 in the nest fes weeks to get started on building it.
Pesquisadores de todo o mundo começarão a decifrar o código de como o algoritmo do TikTok funciona graças a grandes quantidades de dados doados deste aplicativo de código aberto, e nosso objetivo é arrecadar $ 100.000 nas próximas semanas para começar a construí-lo.

Gospel Life

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2023

7 Rules of Life

7 Rules of Life

  1. Make peace with your past
    So it won't disturb your present.
    Faça as pazes com seu passado.
    Assim não vai atrapalhar seu presente.

  2. What other people think of you
    Is none of your business.
    O que as outras pessoas pensam de voce
    Não é da sua conta.

  3. Time heals almost everything
    Give it time.
    O tempo cura quase tudo
    Dá tempo a isso.

  4. No one is in charge
    Of your happiness, except you.
    Ninguém está no comando
    De sua felicidade, exceto você.

  5. Don't compare your life to others
    And don't judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about.
    Não compare sua vida com a dos outros
    E não os julgue, você não tem ideia do que é a jornada deles.

  6. Stop thinking too much
    It's alright not to do know the anwers.
    Pare de mexer demais
    Está tudo bem não saber as respostas.
  7. Smile
    You don't own all the problems in the world.
    Você não possui todos os problemas do mundo.

Gospel Life

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