terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2024

Truths and lies

Truths and lies

Here are some truths and lies. Can you determine which are which?

  1. I have climbed Mount Everest.
  2. I speak five languages fluently.
  3. I once won a hot dog eating contest.
  4. I have never traveled outside of my home country.
  5. I can play the piano blindfolded.
  6. I have met a celebrity in person.
  7. I have a pet lion.
  8. I have skydived from a plane.

Which do you think are truths, and which are lies?

Verdades e mentiras

  1. Eu já escalei o Monte Everest.
  2. Falo fluentemente cinco idiomas.
  3. Uma vez, ganhei um concurso de comer cachorro-quente.
  4. Nunca viajei para fora do meu país.
  5. Consigo tocar piano de olhos vendados.
  6. Já conheci uma celebridade pessoalmente.
  7. Tenho um leão de estimação.
  8. Já fiz paraquedismo saindo de um avião.

Quais você acha que são verdades e quais são mentiras?


"Climbed" is the past tense of the verb "to climb" in English. In Portuguese, it can be translated as "escalou" or "subiu". When someone says "I have climbed Mount Everest," it means that person climbed or ascended Mount Everest at some point in the past. In this context, "climbed" refers to the action of climbing or ascending a mountain, such as Mount Everest.

"Climbed" é o passado do verbo "to climb" em inglês. Em português, ele pode ser traduzido como "escalou" ou "subiu". Quando alguém diz "I have climbed Mount Everest" (Eu escalei o Monte Everest), significa que essa pessoa subiu ou escalou o Monte Everest em algum momento no passado. Nesse contexto, "climbed" se refere à ação de escalar ou subir uma montanha, como o Monte Everest.

"Blindfolded" is an adverb formed from the word "blindfold," which is a noun and a verb. When someone is blindfolded, it means their eyes are covered with a piece of cloth or another material so they cannot see.

Vendado" é um advérbio formado a partir da palavra "venda", que é um substantivo e um verbo. Quando alguém está vendado, significa que seus olhos estão cobertos com um pedaço de pano ou outro material para que não possam ver.

In Portuguese, "blindfolded" can be translated as "de olhos vendados" or "com os olhos vendados." It refers to the action of covering someone's eyes to prevent them from seeing.

Em português, "blindfolded" pode ser traduzido como "de olhos vendados" ou "com os olhos vendados". Refere-se à ação de cobrir os olhos de alguém para impedi-lo de ver.

For example, "I can play the piano blindfolded" would mean "Eu consigo tocar piano de olhos vendados" in Portuguese.

Gospel Life

quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2024

Baltimore rescuers lose hope for more survivors from bridge collapse

Baltimore rescuers lose hope for more survivors from bridge collapse
Equipes de resgate de Baltimore perdem a esperança de mais sobreviventes do colapso da ponte

BALTIMORE, March 27 (Reuters) - U.S. federal safety investigators recovered the black box from the freight ship that crashed into a Baltimore bridge, the agency chief said on Wednesday as rescuers looked for the remains of six workers missing in the bridge collapse.
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Investigadores de segurança federais dos Estados Unidos recuperaram a caixa preta do navio cargueiro que caiu em uma ponte de Baltimore, disse o chefe da agência nesta quarta-feira, enquanto equipes de resgate procuravam os restos mortais de seis trabalhadores desaparecidos no desabamento da ponte.

A highway team also will be looking at the twisted remains of the Francis Scott Key bridge as they try to determine how and why a container ship smashed into a pillar of the 1.6-mile (2.6 km) span in early morning darkness on Tuesday.
Uma equipe rodoviária também examinará os restos retorcidos da ponte Francis Scott Key enquanto tenta determinar como e por que um navio porta-contêineres se chocou contra um pilar do vão de 2,6 km na escuridão da manhã de terça-feira.

Investigators from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board recovered the data recorder after boarding the ship late on Tuesday, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said. They will interview the ship's crew, she said.
Investigadores do Conselho Nacional de Segurança nos Transportes dos EUA recuperaram o gravador de dados após embarcar no navio na noite de terça-feira, disse a presidente do NTSB, Jennifer Homendy. Eles entrevistarão a tripulação do navio, disse ela.

The disaster forced the indefinite closure of the Port of Baltimore, one of the busiest on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, and created a traffic quagmire for Baltimore and the surrounding region.
O desastre forçou o fechamento indefinido do porto de Baltimore, um dos mais movimentados da costa leste dos EUA, e criou um atoleiro de tráfego para Baltimore e região circundante.

Rescuers pulled two construction workers from the water alive on Tuesday. One was hospitalized. The six presumed to have perished included immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, said the Mexican Consulate in Washington.
As equipes de resgate retiraram dois trabalhadores da construção civil da água com vida na terça-feira. Um foi hospitalizado. Os seis supostamente mortos incluíam imigrantes do México, Guatemala e El Salvador, disse o Consulado Mexicano em Washington.

Officials said the eight were part of a work crew repairing potholes on the road surface when the Singapore-flagged container vessel Dali, leaving Baltimore bound for Sri Lanka, plowed into a support pylon.
Autoridades disseram que os oito faziam parte de uma equipe de trabalho que consertava buracos na superfície da estrada quando o navio porta-contêineres Dali, com bandeira de Cingapura, saindo de Baltimore com destino ao Sri Lanka, bateu em um poste de apoio.

The U.S. Coast Guard said it was looking for their bodies 18 hours after they were thrown from the bridge into the frigid waters at the mouth of the Patapsco River.
A Guarda Costeira dos EUA disse que estava procurando seus corpos 18 horas depois de terem sido jogados da ponte nas águas geladas da foz do rio Patapsco.

Divers resumed their search in the 50-foot-deep waters surrounding the twisted ruins.
Os mergulhadores retomaram a busca nas águas de 15 metros de profundidade que cercam as ruínas retorcidas.

"We do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals alive," Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said at a briefing.
“Não acreditamos que encontraremos nenhum desses indivíduos vivo”, disse o contra-almirante da Guarda Costeira Shannon Gilreath em um briefing.

Maryland State Police and U.S. Coast Guard officials said diminished visibility and increasingly treacherous currents in the wreckage-strewn channel made continued search efforts on the river too risky to continue overnight.
Autoridades da Polícia Estadual de Maryland e da Guarda Costeira dos EUA disseram que a visibilidade reduzida e as correntes cada vez mais traiçoeiras no canal repleto de destroços tornaram os esforços contínuos de busca no rio muito arriscados para continuar durante a noite.

A trestled section of the bridge almost immediately crumpled into the water, sending vehicles and workers into the river.
Uma seção da ponte com cavaletes quase imediatamente desabou na água, jogando veículos e trabalhadores no rio.

The 948-foot (289 m) ship had reported a loss of propulsion shortly before impact and dropped anchor to slow the vessel, giving transportation authorities time to halt traffic on the bridge before the crash. That move likely prevented a higher death toll, authorities said.
O navio de 948 pés (289 m) relatou uma perda de propulsão pouco antes do impacto e lançou âncora para desacelerar o navio, dando às autoridades de transporte tempo para interromper o tráfego na ponte antes do acidente. Essa medida provavelmente evitou um número maior de mortos, disseram as autoridades.

It was unclear whether authorities also tried to alert the work crew ahead of the impact.
Não ficou claro se as autoridades também tentaram alertar a equipe de trabalho antes do impacto.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore said at a Tuesday news briefing the bridge was up to code with no known structural issues. There was no evidence of foul play, officials said.
O governador de Maryland, Wes Moore, disse em uma coletiva de imprensa na terça-feira que a ponte estava de acordo com o código, sem problemas estruturais conhecidos. Não houve evidência de crime, disseram as autoridades.


The Baltimore wreck drew attention to the vessel's safety record. The same ship was involved in an incident in the port of Antwerp, Belgium, in 2016, hitting a quay as it tried to exit the North Sea container terminal.
O naufrágio de Baltimore chamou a atenção para o histórico de segurança da embarcação. O mesmo navio esteve envolvido num incidente no porto de Antuérpia, na Bélgica, em 2016, ao bater num cais ao tentar sair do terminal de contentores do Mar do Norte.

An inspection in 2023 carried out in Chile found "propulsion and auxiliary machinery" deficiencies, according to data on the public Equasis website, which provides information on ships.
Uma inspeção em 2023 realizada no Chile constatou deficiências em “máquinas de propulsão e auxiliares”, segundo dados do site público Equasis, que fornece informações sobre navios.

But Singapore's Maritime and Port Authority said in a statement that the vessel passed two separate foreign-port inspections in June and September 2023. It said a faulty fuel pressure gauge was rectified before the vessel departed the port following its June 2023 inspection.
Mas a Autoridade Marítima e Portuária de Singapura disse num comunicado que o navio passou por duas inspeções separadas em portos estrangeiros em junho e setembro de 2023. Afirmou que um medidor de pressão de combustível defeituoso foi corrigido antes de o navio partir do porto após a inspeção de junho de 2023.

Video footage on social media showed the vessel slamming into the 47-year-old Key Bridge in darkness, the headlights of vehicles visible on the span as it crashed into the water and the ship caught fire.
Imagens de vídeo nas redes sociais mostraram o navio batendo na Key Bridge, de 47 anos, na escuridão, os faróis dos veículos visíveis no vão quando ele caiu na água e o navio pegou fogo.

All 22 crew members on the ship, owned by Grace Ocean Pte Ltd, were accounted for, its management company, Synergy Marine Pte Ltd, reported.
Todos os 22 tripulantes do navio, de propriedade da Grace Ocean Pte Ltd, foram contabilizados, informou sua empresa gestora, Synergy Marine Pte Ltd.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said closure of the port would have a "major and protracted impact to supply chains." The Port of Baltimore handles more automobile freight than any other U.S. port - more than 750,000 vehicles in 2022, according to port data, as well as container and bulk cargo ranging from sugar to coal.
O secretário de Transportes dos EUA, Pete Buttigieg, disse que o fechamento do porto teria um "impacto grande e prolongado nas cadeias de abastecimento". O Porto de Baltimore movimenta mais carga automóvel do que qualquer outro porto dos EUA – mais de 750.000 veículos em 2022, de acordo com dados portuários, bem como contentores e carga a granel que vão desde açúcar a carvão.

Still, economists and logistics experts said they doubted the port closure would unleash a major U.S. supply chain crisis or major spike in the price of goods, due to ample capacity at rival shipping hubs along the Eastern Seaboard.
Ainda assim, economistas e especialistas em logística afirmaram duvidar que o encerramento do porto desencadearia uma grande crise na cadeia de abastecimento dos EUA ou um grande aumento no preço dos bens, devido à ampla capacidade em centros marítimos rivais ao longo da Costa Leste.

The loss of the bridge also snarled roadways across Baltimore, forcing motorists onto two other congested harbor crossings and raising the specter of nightmarish daily commutes and regional traffic detours for months or even years to come.
A perda da ponte também prejudicou as estradas de Baltimore, forçando os motoristas a passar por outras duas travessias portuárias congestionadas e aumentando o espectro de deslocamentos diários de pesadelo e desvios de tráfego regionais durante meses ou até anos.

The bridge, named for the author of the Star-Spangled Banner, carries about 31,000 vehicles across the harbor daily and serves as the main route for motorists between New York and Washington seeking to avoid downtown Baltimore. It opened in 1977.
A ponte, batizada em homenagem ao autor do Star-Spangled Banner, transporta diariamente cerca de 31 mil veículos pelo porto e serve como principal rota para motoristas entre Nova York e Washington que buscam evitar o centro de Baltimore. Foi inaugurado em 1977.

Tuesday's disaster may be the worst U.S. bridge collapse since 2007, when the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis plunged into the Mississippi River, killing 13 people.
O desastre de terça-feira pode ser o pior colapso de uma ponte nos EUA desde 2007, quando a ponte I-35W em Minneapolis mergulhou no rio Mississippi, matando 13 pessoas.


  1. Rescuers: Socorristas
  2. Lose: Perder, perdem
  3. Rope: Esperança
  4. For more: Por mais, de mais
  5. Safety: Segurança
  6. Freight: Frete
  7. Freight ship: Navio de Carga
  8. Recovered: Recuperaram
  9. Missing: Desaparecidos
  10. Crashed into: Caiu em, colidiu com
  11. Whether: Se

Gospel Life

domingo, 17 de março de 2024

We champion design - Nós defendemos o design

We champion design
Nós defendemos o design

We are dedicated to all design disciplines. As the UK's national strategic advisor for design, we showcase brilliance, lead on new thinking, evidence value and influence policy to create an environment for design to thrive.
Dedicamo-nos a todas as disciplinas de design. Como consultores estratégicos nacionais para design do Reino Unido, demonstramos brilhantismo, lideramos novos pensamentos, evidenciamos valor e influenciamos políticas para criar um ambiente para o design prosperar.

Gospel Life

terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2024

Creative Commons

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world's most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all.

Creative Commons é uma organização internacional sem fins lucrativos que capacita as pessoas a crescer e sustentar os prósperos bens comuns de conhecimento e cultura compartilhados que precisamos para enfrentar os desafios mais urgentes do mundo e criar um futuro melhor para todos.

Inglês Português BR
NonprofitSem fins lucrativos



Gospel Life

terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2023

7 Signs Your EX Wants You Back

7 Signs Your EX Wants You Back

Have you ever broken off things with your partiner only to find out that they wanted to get back together with you all along?
Você já terminou com seu parceiro apenas para descobrir que ele queria voltar com você o tempo todo?

Maybe this is good news and you wanted to repair things with your ex and get back together too.
If you had known they felt the same way, you could have talked through your problems earlier and stayed together.
Or, maybe you didn't want to get back together.
If you had noticed the hints they were dropping about their lingering feelings for you, you could have made it clear to them that things wouldn't be able to work out again.
Whichever the case may be, here's seven proven signs your ex wants you back.

One, you receive drunk calls and/or texts from them.
You're resting cozy in you bed, settle down after a long and busy day, when suddently you phone lights up.
You reach out to find a new text from your ex.
Turns out their 3:00 am text may be more than just a drunk stupor.
Their drunk text show they're they're tinking of you, and being under the influence junst gives them more courage toexpress what they're feeling.
According to a 2011 study, the most common reason people make drunken phone calls is to confess their feelings, especialy those of love.
Your ex's true feelings in those drunken calls could be true and their drinking gave them the liquid courage to tell you, confident enough to confess their unconditional love for you through a slurred speech and hiccup at 3:00 am.

Two, theu mirror you and show open body language.
Oftentimes when you mimic another's behavior and gestures, it means you like them.
This mmicry of others is called the chamelen effect, and this can be a more subconscious way to show someone that you favor them.
People like people like themselves.
If your ex is still showing very open body language, holding eye contact and mimicking you behaviors as well, it could be a sign they subsconsciously still have feelings for you.

Three, they often bring up fondly shared memories.
Let's say youmeet up with your ex or run into them at a bar, what do you two find yourself talking about?
If your ex continously bringsup fondly shared memories, it could be a hint that they not only miss those moments spent with you, but in turn, they miss you as well.
By highlinghting the good times you spent together, they are trying to get you to remember what made you relationship work and what was great about the both of you.
Perhaps it's a way for them to try and win you back.

Four, they maintain a friendship after your breakup.
Yeas, some couples can still be friends agter a breakup, but if you find yourself talking to them more than your other firends, maybe your're than firends, or at least heading there.
Your ex may be trying to reconnect with you as a friend first, before trying to get back together.
If you work as friends and were once attached to each other, what's to stop you from getting together in the future.

Five, they ask others about you.
If you hear from your family and friends, that your ex has been asking about you, there may be a good reason.
Odds are your ex is trying to find out your relationship status or more likely they're to gauge if you still miss them or not.
If your friends and family tell them that you do miss them, don't be suprised if they come knocking on your door in hopes of a reconciliantion.

Six, liking and commenting more on your social media.
Did you and your ex decide to be friends after a breakup?
Perhaps you still comment and like each other's posts on social media.
If you find your ex is commenting more than they did when you were together, it may mean they're throwing some hints at you.
If they're complimenting your social media posts, it may mean they want to be more than just friends.

Seven, tey're taking action to change and they let you know.
Is your ex suddenly taking action after you breakup?
They're making some noticeable changes in their life that draw you in and going out of their way to let you know they're changed.
They post on social media bout their personal growth or text you as just a friend that they've improved on their bad habits that once dorve a wedge in your relationship.
I they're changin and they want you to know first and foremost, it may be a sign they're doing it for you.
So, have ou noticed any of these signs in your ex?
Or, perhaps you've noticed some of these signs in yourseilf?
Let us know in the comments below.

Please like and share this video if it helped you and you think it can help someone elese too.
This studies and references used are listed in the description below.

Don't forget to hit the sobscribe button for more Psych2Vo videos. Thank you for watching.
We'll see you est time.

Inglês Português BR
Have you ever broken off things... Você já rompeu coisas...
WithinDentro de
Ever-spinningSempre girando
Spinning wheelRoda giratória

quarta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2023

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy updates

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy updates

Termos de uso e atualizações da política de privacidade

Objetivo: Treinar Inglês com Textos

What changed in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy?

O que mudou nos Termos de Uso e na Política de Privacidade?

You should read our updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, but below is a quick overview of some key change. These changes will go int effect on December 14 2023.
Você deve ler nossos Termos de Uso e Política de Privacidade atualizados, mas abaixo está uma rápida visão geral de algumas alterações importantes. Essas alterações entrarão em vigor em 14 de dezembro de 2023.

Terms of Use
Termos de Uso

  • Separate business terms. We've removed the sections of the Terms of Use that relate to the use of our services for businesses and developers, namely ChatGPT Enterprise and our APIs. We have created a new set of Business Terms that apply to those services.

  • Updated arbitration procedures. We've updated some of the procedures by which we will resolve any arbitrated disputes.

  • Improved readability. We've re-organized and clarified some parts of our Terms of Use (yes, with a little help from ChatGPT) to make them simpler and easier to understand.
    Termos comerciais separados Removemos as seções dos Termos de Uso relacionadas ao uso de nossos serviços para empresas e desenvolvedores, nomeadamente ChatGPT Enterprise e nossas APIs. Criamos um novo conjunto de Termos Comerciais que se aplicam a esses serviços.

    Inglês Português BR
    Quick overviewVisão geral rápida

    Fonte: Openai.com

    Gospel Life

    Colabore para manter nosso trabalho

    Somente se você puder e quiser

  • terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2023



    Objetivo: Treinar Inglês com Textos


    Today I'm here to take a walk here at my physical activity place and I invite you to participate in this walk of this activity and together we are going to talk about lotteries specificallly about Lotofácil.
    Hoje estou aqui para dar um passeio aqui no meu local de atividade física e convido você a participar desse passeio dessa atividade e juntos vamos falar sobre loterias especificamente sobre a Lotofácil.

    Come with me.
    Venha comigo.

    I'm Rômulo Dias and you are very welcome to the Intelligent Technical Lottery
    Meu nome é Rômulo Dias e seja muito bem-vindo à Loteria Técnica Inteligente.

    In this video we are going to talk about 14 points three time a week on Lotofácil.
    Neste vídeo vamos falar sobre 14 pontos três vezes por semana na Lotofácil.

    There are people with advertisements on social media stating that it is possible to earn 14 points three times a week on Lotofácil and we are going to resolve this doubt.
    Tem pessoas com anúncios nas redes sociais afirmando que é possível fazer 14 pontos três vezes por semana na Lotofácil e nós vamos tirar essa dúvida.

    If you are interested in having correct and accurate information on this subject, I invite you to watch this video with me until the end, but before that, don't forget to leave your like, subscribe to the channel if you are not yet subscribed, activate the bel for notifications and share this video with your friends.
    Se você tem interesse em ter informações corretas e precisas sobre esse assunto, te convido a assistir esse vídeo comigo até o final, mas antes não esqueça de deixar seu like, se inscrever no canal caso ainda não seja inscrito, ative o sininho para receber notificações e compartilhe esse vídeo com seus amigos.

    Come on?
    Vamos lá?

    We've always seen those topics on social media those miraculous advertisements where people who claim to be able to score 14 points three times a week with just three games and other types of advertisement with miraculous strategy that there is no other like his will solve the problem.

    Sempre vimos esses assuntos nas redes sociais aquelas propagandas milagrosas onde pessoas que afirmam conseguir marcar 14 pontos três vezes por semana com apenas três jogos e outros tipos de propaganda com estratégia milagrosa que não existe outra igual a dele vão resolver o problema.

    Inglês Português BR
    Take a walkDar um passeio
    take a walk on the wild sideDar um passeio pelo lado selvagem
    Take a walk on the beachDar um passeio na praia

    Gospel Life

    Colabore para manter nosso trabalho

    Somente se você puder e quiser