Are there dead wasps inside figs?
Existem vespas mortas dentro dos figos?
Figs are one of my favorite fruits.
Figos são uma das minhas frutas favoritas.
They are sweet and floral, and there is something about the texture
Eles são doces e florais, e há algo sobre textura
that I find so delicious.
que eu acho tão delicioso.
On the outside it is soft, but the seeds in the middle give you this
Por fora é macia, mas as sementes no meio lhe dão essa
total sensation to crunchiness.
total sensação de crocância.
Bus it turns out that in some species of figs contains dead wasp
Mas acontece que em algumas espécies de figos contém corpos de vespas
I'm Anna and this is Cross Science.
Eu sou a Anna e este é o Gross Science.
Figs are not exactly your typical fruit
Figos não são exatamente sua fruta típica.
Think of them as packages, wich contains all the fig floweers inside
Pense neles como pacotes, que contém todas as flores da figueira
inside it.
dentro dele.
But if the flowers are trapped inside the fig, how are they
Mas se as flores estão presas dentro do figo, como elas são
Well, that's where the fig wasps come in.
Bem, é aí que entram as vespas de figo.
In most species, pregnant female wasps carrying pollen are
Na maioria das espécies, as vespas fêmeas grávidas carregando pólen são
attracted to young figs.
atraídas por figos jovens.
They enter through a tining opening in the boton of the fig that is
Elas entram por uma minúscula abertura no fundo do figo que é
highly seletive, usually only allows the exact species of wasp to
altamente seletiva, geralmente só permite a espécie exata de vespas que
But, even polinators find it difficult to enter.
Mas, mesmo as polinizadoras tem dificuldades para entrarem.
Most lose their wings and antenaee in the process.
A maioria perde suas asas e antenas no processo
The purpose of wasps is to find a home for their babies.
O objetivo das vespas é encontrarem um lar para seus bebês.
And the perfect house is within the flowers of the female figs - E a casa perfeita está dentro das flores dos figos fêmeas -
those are those that produce seeds if they are fertilized.
essas são as que produzem sementes se forem fertilizadas.
Then the mommys wasps throw the fertilized egg inside of Então as mamães vespas jogam o ovo fertilizado dentro de
several female flowers as they can, sometimes up to hundred.
várias flores fêmeas quanto elas podem, as vezes até em centenas.
But she can not reach them all. Mas ela não pode chegar a todos eles.
Along the way, she finishes the rest of the flowers. Ao longo do caminho, ela termina fertilizando o resto das flores
like fig polen that she is carrying, and this flowers como pólen de figo que ela está carregando, e estas flores
begin to develop seeds. começam a desenvolver sementes.
Once the wasp finished laying eggs, she usually Uma vez que a vespa terminou de por os ovos, ela geralmente
dies inside the fig. morre dentro do figo.
Each baby of wasps begin to grow encased in a protective structure Cada filhote de vespas começa a crescer em uma estrutura protetora
that the plant form, called a Gall. que a planta forma, chamado de Fel.
The male wasp mature first. As vespas macho maduram primeiro.
When they emerge, they find the Gall of wasps, many of Quando emergem, encontram as agulhas das vespas, muitas das
whon are their sisters poke inside, and impregnate then before quais são suas irmãs.
they've even hatched!
Then, the males die inside the figs, but not before boring tiny
holes through the fig's skin.
When the females do emerge, the fig has just started producing
The female wasps pick up some of the pollen, before making their
way, through the roles.
Their Brothers drilled, and go off to find a new fig to start the
cycle again.
But the story's not over.
Mas a história não acabou.
At this point, our figs seed are finally mature and ready to be
Até este ponto, nossas sementes de figo
And that happens when ripe fig is eaten the animals, which poop
out the seeds, spreading fig plants far and wide.
Of course, human eat figs, too.
Naturalmente, humandos comem figos, também.
So, when you bite into a fig are you actually eating the bodies
of dead wasps?
Well, you're getting your figs from the supermarket, then most
likely not.
See, humans and figs have a really long history - we've
probaly been domesticating them for over 11.000 year.
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