Twitter Developers
Issue with applications in Application Received state resolved
We received reports from some developers that were waiting in the Application Received state, and were unable to move past this point in the developer portal.
Recebemos relatórios de alguns desenvolvedores que estavam aguardando no estado Aplicativo recebido e não conseguiram passar desse ponto no portal do desenvolvedor.
This issue is now resolved and developers that used to receive this message, should now be able to sign up for the new tiers of the Twitter AOI.e.Free, Basic or pro.
Este problema foi resolvido e os desenvolvedores que costumavam receber esta mensagem agora devem se inscrever para as novas camadas do Twitter AOI.e.Free, Basic ou pro.
Thank you for your patience and feedback.
Obrigado por sua paciência e feedback.
In the texts below, we will fix the word: Neighbors.
In these contexts we will learn about relationships with neighbors.
Do you think neighbours are important?
Having good relationships with your neighbors can be very beneficial. They can provide a sense of community, and can be there to help you in times of need. For example, they can watch your house while you're away, or lend you a tool that you don't have. Good neighbors can also provide social support and can help you feel more connected to your community.
However, having bad neighbors can also be a source of stress and frustration. Noise, disputes over property boundaries, and other issues can create tension and make living in your own home difficult. Therefore, it's important to maintain a good relationship with your neighbors, or at least keep things civil, in order to create a positive living environment for everyone involved.
What are the qualities of a good neighbours?
There are several qualities that can make a good neighbor. Here are some examples:
Respectful: A good neighbor is respectful of their neighbor's property, privacy, and time. They avoid making excessive noise or engaging in activities that might disturb their neighbors.
Friendly: A good neighbor is friendly and approachable. They are willing to engage in conversation and are interested in getting to know their neighbors.
Trustworthy: A good neighbor is trustworthy and reliable. They can be counted on to keep their word and follow through on commitments.
Helpful: A good neighbor is helpful and willing to lend a hand when needed. They may offer to watch a neighbor's house while they are away or help with yard work or other tasks.
Responsible: A good neighbor takes responsibility for their actions and takes care of their property. They are considerate of their neighbors and work to maintain a clean and safe living environment.
Tolerant: A good neighbor is tolerant and respectful of their neighbor's differences. They recognize that everyone has their own unique lifestyle and beliefs, and they do not judge or discriminate based on those differences.
Overall, a good neighbor is someone who is considerate, helpful, and respectful of others. They are an asset to the community and make the neighborhood a better place to live.
Now that most people watch a lot of TV, how do you think it affected relationships with neighbours?
The widespread adoption of television and other forms of electronic media has certainly had an impact on our social interactions and relationships, including those with our neighbors. On one hand, television and other media can bring people together around shared interests and topics, and can provide a source of conversation and connection. For example, neighbors may bond over a shared love of a particular TV show or sporting event.
On the other hand, excessive TV viewing can also lead to isolation and disconnection, particularly if individuals are spending a lot of time in front of screens and not engaging with others in person. This can lead to a lack of communication and social interaction between neighbors, which can have a negative impact on relationships and community building.
Additionally, some studies have suggested that people who watch a lot of TV may be more likely to experience feelings of loneliness and social isolation. This can further exacerbate the negative effects on neighborly relationships.
Ultimately, the impact of television on relationships with neighbors will depend on a number of factors, including the individual's viewing habits, the social and cultural context in which they live, and the overall quality of the neighborhood and community. It's important to find a balance between enjoying TV and other media, while also maintaining healthy relationships with those around us.
Do you think it's important to teach children how to have a good relations with neighbours?
Yes, teaching children how to have a good relationship with their neighbors is important. This can help children learn important social skills and develop empathy and respect for others. Good relationships with neighbors can also provide children with a sense of community and support, and can help them feel safer and more secure in their neighborhood.
Some ways to teach children how to have good relationships with their neighbors include:
Modeling positive behavior: Children learn by watching and imitating the behavior of others. Parents can model positive interactions with their own neighbors, such as greeting them when passing by, helping with tasks, or inviting them over for a meal.
Encouraging communication: Encourage children to communicate with their neighbors, such as saying hello or asking how their day is going. This can help children develop their social skills and build positive relationships with those around them.
Helping with community events: Encourage children to participate in community events, such as a neighborhood clean-up or a block party. This can help children feel a sense of belonging and pride in their community, and can also provide opportunities to meet and interact with neighbors.
Addressing conflicts: Teach children how to resolve conflicts in a respectful and constructive way, such as through communication and compromise. This can help children learn important problem-solving skills and can also help them maintain positive relationships with their neighbors.
By teaching children how to have good relationships with their neighbors, parents can help foster a sense of community and social responsibility in their children, which can have positive impacts on their well-being and the well-being of their community as a whole.
How has the relatonship between neighbours change over the last 20 years?
The relationship between neighbors has changed in many ways over the last 20 years due to various social and technological factors.
Here are some examples:
Increased use of technology: With the rise of social media and other digital platforms, people are spending more time communicating and interacting online rather than in person. This can lead to less face-to-face communication between neighbors and may weaken neighborhood bonds.
Changing demographics: The demographic makeup of neighborhoods is constantly evolving, with new residents moving in and others moving out. This can lead to changes in social dynamics and relationships between neighbors.
Busier lifestyles: Many people are leading busier lives than ever before, with more demands on their time from work, family, and other commitments. This can make it difficult to find time to interact with neighbors and may result in a more isolated and individualistic lifestyle.
Safety concerns: In some areas, safety concerns have increased over the years due to crime and other issues. This can lead to a more guarded and cautious approach to neighborly interactions.
Community events and activities: In some neighborhoods, community events and activities have become more common in recent years, which can help foster a sense of community and bring neighbors closer together.
Overall, while the nature of neighborly relationships may have changed in some ways over the last 20 years, it's important to recognize that there are still many opportunities to build strong, positive relationships with those around us. By making an effort to connect with neighbors and participate in community activities, we can help strengthen the social fabric of our neighborhoods and create a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.
Pergunta 1:
Você acha que vizinhos são importantes?
Resposta 1:
Sim, os vizinhos são importantes. Eles podem fornecer uma sensação de comunidade e conexão, bem como ajudar com tarefas cotidianas, compartilhar informações e oferecer suporte em tempos de necessidade. Vizinhos amigáveis também podem tornar um bairro mais agradável e seguro para todos.
Pergunta 2:
Quais são as qualidades de um bom vizinho?
Resposta 2:
As qualidades de um bom vizinho incluem ser amigável, respeitoso, confiável e responsável. Um bom vizinho também deve ser cortês e comunicativo, procurando resolver conflitos de forma construtiva e ajudando a criar uma comunidade positiva e acolhedora.
Pergunta 3:
Agora que a maioria das pessoas assiste muita TV, como você acha que isso afetou as relações com vizinhos?
Resposta 3:
A ampla adoção da televisão e outras formas de mídia eletrônica certamente teve um impacto em nossas interações sociais e relacionamentos, incluindo aqueles com nossos vizinhos. Por um lado, a televisão e outras mídias podem unir as pessoas em torno de interesses e tópicos compartilhados e podem fornecer uma fonte de conversa e conexão. Por outro lado, assistir TV excessivamente pode levar ao isolamento e desconexão, especialmente se as pessoas estão passando muito tempo na frente das telas e não se envolvendo com outras pessoas pessoalmente. Isso pode levar a uma falta de comunicação e interação social entre vizinhos, o que pode ter um impacto negativo nos relacionamentos e na construção da comunidade.
Pergunta 4:
Você acha importante ensinar crianças a ter boas relações com vizinhos?
Resposta 4:
Sim, ensinar crianças a ter boas relações com seus vizinhos é importante. Isso pode ajudar as crianças a aprender habilidades sociais importantes e desenvolver empatia e respeito pelos outros. Bons relacionamentos com vizinhos também podem fornecer às crianças um senso de comunidade e apoio, e podem ajudá-las a se sentirem mais seguras e protegidas em seu bairro.
Pergunta 5:
Como a relação entre vizinhos mudou nos últimos 20 anos?
Resposta 5:
A relação entre vizinhos mudou de muitas maneiras ao longo dos últimos 20 anos devido a diversos fatores sociais e tecnológicos. Alguns exemplos incluem o aumento do uso de tecnologia, mudanças demográficas, estilos de vida mais ocupados, preocupações de segurança e a realização de mais eventos e atividades comunitárias em alguns bairros. Apesar dessas mudanças, ainda há muitas oportunidades para construir relacionamentos fortes e positivos com os vizinhos. Ao se esforçar para se conectar com os vizinhos e participar de atividades comunitárias, podemos ajudar a fortalecer o tecido social de nossos bairros e criar um senso de pertencimento e responsabilidade compartilhada.
TikTok tells you what you want to see - not the other way around.
O TikTok diz o que você quer ver - e não o contrário.
We don't know how it recommends videos to its users, and TikTok hasn't made it easy for us to learn.
Não sabemos como ele recomenda vídeos para seus usuários, e o TikTok não facilitou nosso aprendizado.
That's concerning when we've already seen evidence that video recommendantion algorithms like YouTuber's can send users into echo chambers of dangerous, harmful, and enven radicalizing content. Isso é preocupante quando já vimos evidências de que algoritmos de recomendação de vídeo como o do YouTuber podem enviar usuários para câmaras de eco de conteúdo perigoso, prejudicial e até mesmo radicalizador.
Mozilla has been scrutinizing TikTok for years, but we still need more answers about the content the platform recommends to uers. A Mozilla examina o TikTok há anos, mas ainda precisamos de mais respostas sobre o conteúdo que a plataforma recomenda aos usuários.
That's why we are taking matters into our own hands by building as open-source app for TiTok users to volunteer their data for researchers to study. É por isso que estamos resolvendo o problema com nossas próprias mãos, criando um aplicativo de código aberto para os usuários do TikTok oferecerem seus dados para os pesquisadores estudarem.
Researchers around the world will begin go crack the code on how TikTok's algorithm works thank to huge amounts of donated data from this open source app, and our goal is to raise &100.000 in the nest fes weeks to get started on building it. Pesquisadores de todo o mundo começarão a decifrar o código de como o algoritmo do TikTok funciona graças a grandes quantidades de dados doados deste aplicativo de código aberto, e nosso objetivo é arrecadar $ 100.000 nas próximas semanas para começar a construí-lo.
Make peace with your past
So it won't disturb your present. Faça as pazes com seu passado.
Assim não vai atrapalhar seu presente.
What other people think of you
Is none of your business. O que as outras pessoas pensam de voce
Não é da sua conta.
Time heals almost everything
Give it time. O tempo cura quase tudo
Dá tempo a isso.
No one is in charge
Of your happiness, except you. Ninguém está no comando
De sua felicidade, exceto você.
Don't compare your life to others
And don't judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about. Não compare sua vida com a dos outros
E não os julgue, você não tem ideia do que é a jornada deles.
Stop thinking too much
It's alright not to do know the anwers. Pare de mexer demais
Está tudo bem não saber as respostas.
You don't own all the problems in the world. Sorriso
Você não possui todos os problemas do mundo.
Have you ever broken off things with your partiner only to find out that they wanted to get back together with you all along?
Maybe this is good news and you wanted to repair things with your ex and get back together too.
If you had known they felt the same way, you could have talked through your problems earlier and stayed together.
Or, maybe you didn't want to get back together.
If you had noticed the hints they were dropping about their lingering feelings for you, you could have made it clear to them that things wouldn't be able to work out again.
Whichever the case may be, here's seven proven signs your ex wants you back.
Você já terminou com seu parceiro(a) apenas para descobrir que eles queriam voltar com você o tempo todo?
Talvez esta seja uma boa notícia e você queira consertar as coisas com seu ex e voltar a ficar juntos.
Se você soubesse que eles sentiam da mesma forma, poderiam ter conversado sobre seus problemas mais cedo e continuado juntos.
Ou talvez você não quisesse voltar a ficar juntos.
Se você tivesse percebido as dicas que eles davam sobre seus sentimentos persistentes por você, poderia ter deixado claro para eles que as coisas não funcionariam novamente.
Seja qual for o caso, aqui estão sete sinais comprovados de que seu ex quer você de volta.
One, you receive drunk calls and/or texts from them.
You're resting cozy in you bed, settle down after a long and busy day, when suddently you phone lights up.
You reach out to find a new text from your ex.
Turns out their 3:00 am text may be more than just a drunk stupor.
Their drunk text show they're they're tinking of you, and being under the influence junst gives them more courage toexpress what they're feeling.
According to a 2011 study, the most common reason people make drunken phone calls is to confess their feelings, especialy those of love.
Your ex's true feelings in those drunken calls could be true and their drinking gave them the liquid courage to tell you, confident enough to confess their unconditional love for you through a slurred speech and hiccup at 3:00 am.
Two, they mirror you and show open body language
Oftentimes when you mimic another's behavior and gestures, it means you like them.
This mmicry of others is called the chamelen effect, and this can be a more subconscious way to show someone that you favor them.
People like people like themselves.
If your ex is still showing very open body language, holding eye contact and mimicking you behaviors as well, it could be a sign they subsconsciously still have feelings for you.
Three, they often bring up fondly shared memories
Let's say youmeet up with your ex or run into them at a bar, what do you two find yourself talking about?
If your ex continously bringsup fondly shared memories, it could be a hint that they not only miss those moments spent with you, but in turn, they miss you as well.
By highlinghting the good times you spent together, they are trying to get you to remember what made you relationship work and what was great about the both of you.
Perhaps it's a way for them to try and win you back.
Four, they maintain a friendship after your breakup
Yeas, some couples can still be friends agter a breakup, but if you find yourself talking to them more than your other firends, maybe your're than firends, or at least heading there.
Your ex may be trying to reconnect with you as a friend first, before trying to get back together.
If you work as friends and were once attached to each other, what's to stop you from getting together in the future.
Five, they ask others about you
If you hear from your family and friends, that your ex has been asking about you, there may be a good reason.
Odds are your ex is trying to find out your relationship status or more likely they're to gauge if you still miss them or not.
If your friends and family tell them that you do miss them, don't be suprised if they come knocking on your door in hopes of a reconciliantion.
Six, liking and commenting more on your social media
Did you and your ex decide to be friends after a breakup?
Perhaps you still comment and like each other's posts on social media.
If you find your ex is commenting more than they did when you were together, it may mean they're throwing some hints at you.
If they're complimenting your social media posts, it may mean they want to be more than just friends.
Seven, tey're taking action to change and they let you know
Is your ex suddenly taking action after you breakup?
They're making some noticeable changes in their life that draw you in and going out of their way to let you know they're changed.
They post on social media bout their personal growth or text you as just a friend that they've improved on their bad habits that once dorve a wedge in your relationship.
I they're changin and they want you to know first and foremost, it may be a sign they're doing it for you.
So, have ou noticed any of these signs in your ex?
Or, perhaps you've noticed some of these signs in yourseilf?
Let us know in the comments below.
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