segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2023

7 Rules of Life

7 Rules of Life

  1. Make peace with your past
    So it won't disturb your present.
    Faça as pazes com seu passado.
    Assim não vai atrapalhar seu presente.

  2. What other people think of you
    Is none of your business.
    O que as outras pessoas pensam de voce
    Não é da sua conta.

  3. Time heals almost everything
    Give it time.
    O tempo cura quase tudo
    Dá tempo a isso.

  4. No one is in charge
    Of your happiness, except you.
    Ninguém está no comando
    De sua felicidade, exceto você.

  5. Don't compare your life to others
    And don't judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about.
    Não compare sua vida com a dos outros
    E não os julgue, você não tem ideia do que é a jornada deles.

  6. Stop thinking too much
    It's alright not to do know the anwers.
    Pare de mexer demais
    Está tudo bem não saber as respostas.
  7. Smile
    You don't own all the problems in the world.
    Você não possui todos os problemas do mundo.

Gospel Life

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PIX: 17191653604
Somente se você quiser e puder

Frases com o verbo "To want"

  • I want to travel the world. - Eu quero viajar pelo mundo.

  • She wants to become a doctor. - Ela quer se tornar médica.

  • They want to buy a new car. - Eles querem comprar um carro novo.

  • He wants to learn how to play the guitar. - Ele quer aprender a tocar violão.

  • We want to go to the beach this weekend. - Nós queremos ir à praia neste fim de semana.

  • Do you want to go to the movies tonight? - Você quer ir ao cinema esta noite?

  • My parents want to retire early. - Meus pais querem se aposentar cedo.

  • She wants to eat pizza for dinner. - Ela quer comer pizza no jantar.

  • We want to visit our grandparents next month. - Nós queremos visitar nossos avós no próximo mês.

  • He wants to improve his English skills. - Ele quer melhorar suas habilidades em inglês.

  • I want to read that book. - Eu quero ler aquele livro.

  • They want to start their own business. - Eles querem começar o próprio negócio.

  • She wants to lose weight and get fit. - Ela quer perder peso e ficar em forma.

  • We want to adopt a pet from the shelter. - Nós queremos adotar um animal de estimação do abrigo.

  • He wants to become a successful entrepreneur. - Ele quer se tornar um empreendedor de sucesso.

  • I want to learn how to cook delicious meals. - Eu quero aprender a cozinhar refeições deliciosas.

  • They want to save money for a house. - Eles querem economizar dinheiro para uma casa.

  • She wants to win the competition. - Ela quer ganhar a competição.

  • We want to make a positive impact on the world. - Nós queremos causar um impacto positivo no mundo.

  • He wants to find a meaningful career. - Ele quer encontrar uma carreira significativa.

Gospel Life

Ajude a manter este blog no ar: PIX: 17191653604

Somente se você quiser e puder

sexta-feira, 23 de junho de 2023

Preposições em Inglês

Preposições em Inglês

Inglês Português Pronúncia
About Sobre Abaut
After Depois Afiter
Against Contra Aguênst
Among Entre Amông
Around Em torno Araund
At Em At
Before Antes Bifór
Between Entre Bituin
By Por, Em Bái
During Durante Durín
For Para Fór
From De Frôm
In Em Ín
Into Dentro Into
Of De Óf
On Sobre Ón
Through Através Tru
To Para Tu
Under Embaixo Ânder
With Com Uêss
Without Sem Uídau

Gospel Life

segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2023

7 Signs Your EX Wants You Back

7 Signs Your EX Wants You Back

Have you ever broken off things with your partiner only to find out that they wanted to get back together with you all along?
Maybe this is good news and you wanted to repair things with your ex and get back together too.
If you had known they felt the same way, you could have talked through your problems earlier and stayed together.
Or, maybe you didn't want to get back together.
If you had noticed the hints they were dropping about their lingering feelings for you, you could have made it clear to them that things wouldn't be able to work out again.
Whichever the case may be, here's seven proven signs your ex wants you back.

Você já terminou com seu parceiro(a) apenas para descobrir que eles queriam voltar com você o tempo todo?
Talvez esta seja uma boa notícia e você queira consertar as coisas com seu ex e voltar a ficar juntos.
Se você soubesse que eles sentiam da mesma forma, poderiam ter conversado sobre seus problemas mais cedo e continuado juntos.
Ou talvez você não quisesse voltar a ficar juntos.
Se você tivesse percebido as dicas que eles davam sobre seus sentimentos persistentes por você, poderia ter deixado claro para eles que as coisas não funcionariam novamente.
Seja qual for o caso, aqui estão sete sinais comprovados de que seu ex quer você de volta.

One, you receive drunk calls and/or texts from them.

You're resting cozy in you bed, settle down after a long and busy day, when suddently you phone lights up.
You reach out to find a new text from your ex.
Turns out their 3:00 am text may be more than just a drunk stupor.
Their drunk text show they're they're tinking of you, and being under the influence junst gives them more courage toexpress what they're feeling.
According to a 2011 study, the most common reason people make drunken phone calls is to confess their feelings, especialy those of love.
Your ex's true feelings in those drunken calls could be true and their drinking gave them the liquid courage to tell you, confident enough to confess their unconditional love for you through a slurred speech and hiccup at 3:00 am.

Two, they mirror you and show open body language

Oftentimes when you mimic another's behavior and gestures, it means you like them.
This mmicry of others is called the chamelen effect, and this can be a more subconscious way to show someone that you favor them.
People like people like themselves.
If your ex is still showing very open body language, holding eye contact and mimicking you behaviors as well, it could be a sign they subsconsciously still have feelings for you.

Three, they often bring up fondly shared memories

Let's say youmeet up with your ex or run into them at a bar, what do you two find yourself talking about?
If your ex continously bringsup fondly shared memories, it could be a hint that they not only miss those moments spent with you, but in turn, they miss you as well.
By highlinghting the good times you spent together, they are trying to get you to remember what made you relationship work and what was great about the both of you.
Perhaps it's a way for them to try and win you back.

Four, they maintain a friendship after your breakup

Yeas, some couples can still be friends agter a breakup, but if you find yourself talking to them more than your other firends, maybe your're than firends, or at least heading there.
Your ex may be trying to reconnect with you as a friend first, before trying to get back together.
If you work as friends and were once attached to each other, what's to stop you from getting together in the future.

Five, they ask others about you

If you hear from your family and friends, that your ex has been asking about you, there may be a good reason.
Odds are your ex is trying to find out your relationship status or more likely they're to gauge if you still miss them or not.
If your friends and family tell them that you do miss them, don't be suprised if they come knocking on your door in hopes of a reconciliantion.

Six, liking and commenting more on your social media

Did you and your ex decide to be friends after a breakup?
Perhaps you still comment and like each other's posts on social media.
If you find your ex is commenting more than they did when you were together, it may mean they're throwing some hints at you. If they're complimenting your social media posts, it may mean they want to be more than just friends.

Seven, tey're taking action to change and they let you know

Is your ex suddenly taking action after you breakup?
They're making some noticeable changes in their life that draw you in and going out of their way to let you know they're changed.
They post on social media bout their personal growth or text you as just a friend that they've improved on their bad habits that once dorve a wedge in your relationship.
I they're changin and they want you to know first and foremost, it may be a sign they're doing it for you.
So, have ou noticed any of these signs in your ex?
Or, perhaps you've noticed some of these signs in yourseilf?
Let us know in the comments below.

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We'll see you est time.

quinta-feira, 4 de maio de 2023

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sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Build a Compact Lumber Storage Cart from a Single Sheet of Plywood

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